local mode
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Local mode is the simplest way to use Flink on Zeppelin. You just need to download Flink 1.10 or afterwards and then configure FLINK_HOME
and set flink.execution.mode
as local
Local mode will launch a MiniCluster which consists of JobManager and one TaskManager that run in the current interpreter process via thread.
After the above configuration, you can just run the Flink tutorial note shipped with Zeppelin to verify whether the configuration is correct.
In some cases, you might hit port conflict issue like following :
The reason is that JobManager in MIniCluster use port 8081 as its rest api port. And sometimes it is happened to be used by another process. Most likely is that you launched Flink standalone cluster. And the JobManager of Flink standalone cluster also use port 8081 by default. So just check whether you have launched a Flink standalone cluster (If so, just stop it), or whether other process is using port 8081.
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